
"Find Your Inner Peace and Strength at The Unwinder Academy – Where Every Yoga Session is a Journey to Wellness."

“Discover tranquility and strength through our expertly guided yoga classes. Perfect for all levels, our sessions help you find balance, flexibility, and inner peace.”


Dive into the world of practice
persistence and wisdom.

“We focus on holistic wellness, helping you achieve balance and tranquility through expert guidance.”

Programme We Offering 

Yoga Abhyasa

"Yoga Abhyasa: Committed yoga practice that cultivates discipline, enhances flexibility, and deepens your connection to self."

Hatha Yoga Programme

Hatha Yoga is a traditional form of yoga that emphasizes physical postures (asanas), breath control (pranayama), and meditation to promote physical health, mental clarity, and inner peace. Suitable for all levels, Hatha Yoga focuses on slow, deliberate movements and mindful practice, making it an excellent foundation for all other yoga styles. By harmonizing the body and mind, Hatha Yoga helps reduce stress, increase flexibility, and enhance overall well-being.                                                                                                               

Raja Yoga Programme

Raja Yoga, often known as the “royal path,” is a complete style of yoga that places a strong emphasis on mental discipline and meditation in order to attain spiritual enlightenment and self-mastery. It centers on the eightfold path (Ashtanga) described by Patanjali, which consists of deep meditation, physical postures, ethical precepts, and breath control. Raja Yoga leads practitioners to ultimate self-realization and harmony by fostering inner serenity, mental clarity, and a strong connection to the true self.

Yoga Vaidya

"Yoga Vaidya merges traditional yoga with contemporary wellness techniques, offering a comprehensive approach to health and vitality."

Yoga Viveka

"Yoga Viveka: Where mindfulness meets movement. Explore a range of yoga classes designed to support your health, happiness, and inner harmony."

Yoga Vidhya

"Yoga Vidhaya: A comprehensive guide to mastering the ancient art of yoga, promoting physical, mental, and spiritual well-being."

Yoga Vikasa

"Yoga Vikasa: A transformative yoga practice focusing on growth and self-discovery, blending traditional techniques with modern insights."

Psychological Treatment / services

Our Psychological Treatment Services offer personalized and compassionate care to support your mental well-being. We provide a range of evidence-based therapies for anxiety, depression, trauma, and more, tailored to meet your unique needs.

Numbers Speak

At The Unwinder Academy, we provide an enriching and transformative experience that goes beyond just yoga classes. Our academy is a sanctuary where individuals of all levels can embark on a journey of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Years of Experience
0 +

Discover the profound benefits of yoga and holistic wellness at The Unwinder Academy. Whether you seek physical health, mental clarity, or spiritual growth, our academy is here to support and guide you on your journey to a healthier, happier you.

Happy Clients
0 +

We are committed to providing an exceptional experience at The Unwinder Academy. Our dedication to excellence ensures that you receive the highest quality instruction and support, empowering you to achieve your personal wellness goals.

Programs & Training's

we offer more than just yoga. Our wellness programs include meditation sessions, workshops, and wellness retreats, all aimed at enhancing your overall well-being and helping you lead a balanced and fulfilling life.

Benefits of Yoga​

Yoga, an ancient practice with roots in India, has become a global phenomenon, celebrated for its numerous physical, mental, and spiritual benefits. Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or a curious beginner, integrating yoga into your routine can lead to profound positive changes. Let’s explore some of the key benefits of this transformative practice.

  1. Enhances Flexibility and Strength 
  2. Reduces Stress and Promotes Relaxation
  3. Improves Mental Clarity and Focus
  4. Boosts Physical Health
  5. Supports Emotional Well-Being
  6. Enhances Balance and Posture
  7. Encourages a Healthy Lifestyle

Upcoming Events & workshops

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