
hath yoga programme

Beginner level to Advanced level

Course Level 1 -

Kaya Sampath - Beginner Level

Helps in restoring the health of the body
Course content:
1. SithaliKarnaVyayama: A simple practices from head to toe, to activate energy in nerve centers.
2. Surya Namaskara with Bija mantras, which creates a powerful vibration with in the mind and body.
3. Surya Namaskara with [3 deep breaths at each step], following with Agnisara kriya. Helps practitioner to look into the depths of their own mind for intuitive experience, re-establishes serenity, improves physical vitality and health.
Introduction to Savasana.

Course Level 2 -

Kaya Sampath - Advanced Level

[A pranic generator]
Surya namaskar (advanced) with 9 psychic breathings at every step, following with uddiyan bandha and 61-point awareness.
Helps one to tune with the solar rhythms of nature.
Imposes new psychophysical rhythms which helps to promote an order, sequential, systematic, energizing lifestyle.
Helps to counter the effects of stress and tension, negative mood effects and promotes one to experience mental calmness, inner well-being and elevated consciousness.

Course Level 3 -

Yogasanas 1 - Beginner to Advanced Level

Yogasanas- 1: Beginner’s & Intermediate level

A set of 18 postures, to activate the dormant energies, to stimulate the flow of energy in the body.

Course Level 4 -

Yogasanas 2 - Advanced Level

Yogasanas-2:  Advance [pre-requisite course level 3]

A set of 16 advanced asanas designed to uplift & control and to channelize the awakened energies.

Course Level 5 -

Suddhi Kriyas (Science of Cleansing )

Shatkarmas:  Science of cleansing.

The 6 ways of cleansing the internal organs, aimed to purify the whole body. In a nutshell it is aimed to cleanse the subtle prana channels and gaining balance between Tridoshas [PITTA, VATTA & KAPHA].

Course Level 6 -

Prana Suddhi

Prana Shuddhi: [No Prerequisite]

“Prana” means basic life energy with in us, “shuddhi” means to cleanse.  Prana shuddhi is a deep cleansing and relaxation program which enhances the flow of one’s vital energy, designed with subtle and gentle practices. Helps to relax the nervous system and helps the practitioner to release one’s physical, mental and emotional blocks.

Course Level 7 -

Chakra Suddhi

Chakra Shuddhi:

The vital force of shakti in the body is organized around specific centers. These are not physical centers, but they do have physical correspondences to various plexuses of the body. These energy centers, called chakras, help organize the physical body, they receive and store cosmic prana, and act as transformers to step down the level of energy, so that it can be used by the different organs and parts of the body.

Course Level 8 -

Mahamudra Kriya

Maha Mudra Kriya: [prerequisite course level 6 & 7]

Maha Mudra Kriya is combined by a set of dynamic activities which includes Mudra, Bandha, Mantra and Mouna. Maha Mudra stimulates the shakti in the energy circuits [chakras] and its effects strongly felt on psychic level. Helps to remove all energy blockages which are the fundamental cause of the problem results in stillness of mind and body, increases one’s sensitivity to subtle experiences.

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